Dry Eyes…

DRY EYESDry eyes can result when there is insufficient tears to lubricate your eyes properly. The tears in your eyes are responsible for keeping debris out and providing nourishment to the surface of the eye. Dry eyes are often a chronic problem in many adults and can be extremely irritating and sometimes painful.

Symptoms of dry eyes, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, can include; itching, burning, redness, the feeling of sand in your eyes and even blurred vision. Advanced dry eyes can even cause damage to the surface of your eyes or impair your vision. Treatment for this condition aims to better lubricate and soothe your eyes to help eliminate the side effects and protect your visual health. Some of the causes of this condition include:

  1. Environmental Conditions- wind, smoke, chemicals dry air, dust.
  2. Certain Medications- types of blood pressure medication, antihistamines, decongestants, and certain antidepressants.
  3. Gender- women can develop dry eyes due to hormone levels during pregnancy- oral contraceptives as well as menopause can also be factor.
  4.  Age- people aged 65 and above often report dry eye symptoms.

Other factors such as health and lifestyle can also play a role in the development of dry eyes. There are steps you can take to help minimize the discomfort you may experience such as; using artificial tears, nutritional changes to help produce more tears (which can be discussed with your optometrist), surgical options and certain eye drops and ointments which can be used to also increase tear production.

It is important to speak with your eye care professional before choosing a treatment option. Some treatments may require prescription or may have additional side affects that your optometrist can advise you on. You should also advise your optometrist on any additional medications and supplements you may be taking to prevent any medical complications.

Categories: Eye Health 101, General Vision

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